Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Effect of Marital Interactions on Martial Satisfaction Research Proposal

The Effect of Marital Interactions on Martial Satisfaction - Research Proposal Example Researchers have classified different types of marital relationships based on a wide number of relationship variables. For example Miller and Olsen (1990) classified various couples according to their conflict and task leadership, while Gottman (1979 classified them according to ther communicative skills and interactions in problem – solving. In yet another study Shostrum and Kavanaugh (1971) categorized couples based on their anger – love and strength and weakness dimensions. Though Leo Tolstoy in his classic novel ‘Anna Karennia’ has stated that â€Å"All happy families resemble one another, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way†, yet research studies have proved that both happy and unhappy marriages are not alike. Marital satisfaction depends very much on the individuals involved and is of utmost importance for a steady marital relationship. Such a relationship builds strong bonds between couples and families leading to a good sense of well being and happiness. Marital satisfaction is measured as the degree to which spouses perceive that their partners meet their needs and desires (Bahr, Chappell, & Leigh, 1983; Bohlander, 1999; Fields, 1983) We will review the current state of research on marriage, marital satisfaction and interaction patterns exhibited by martially satisfied spouses as compared to martially distressed partners. We will take into account both the positive and negative interactions between couples which reflect the level of marital satisfaction they experience in their relationships Olson and De Frain (2003) contend that communication is the core centre of all intimate human relationships – and is the foundation on which all else is built and in marriage, which can be described as a linking or joining of two independent people in order to create something of value to both. Good communication skills hold the

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