Sunday, May 17, 2020

Women And Food Chains A Dynamic And Diverse System

The agricultural food system is a dynamic and diverse system which encompasses many aspects of our culture and our society. Culture is an enormous part of agriculture, and as a result the way we exist and interact as people within our culture will translate into our agricultural system and shape how we communicate and operate within these systems. The roles of gender within our society and in our culture has been very divided. Men and women both have distinct roles within american culture and consequently in the food system as well. This division of labor, resources, opportunities and power creates an imbalance in the system and as a result continues to be imbalanced without interventions. Our food system is the core of our well-being and as such, should be treated with the utmost attention and care. A change in our food system could be the foundation of changing our society as a whole. In the article Women and Food Chains: The Gendered Politics of Food, Allen and Sachs (2007), discu ss the roles that women play in the food system and the way in which these roles has shaped our society and how society has shaped these roles. Women hold a very prominent role as the caretaker and provider of food in the household. The woman of the house handles many aspects of food within the house, including shopping for groceries, preparing, cooking and cleaning up meals. Although women hold most of the power in the food system, they hold little to no decision making power in it. Women areShow MoreRelatedCorporate Strategy Of The Business Diversification1608 Words   |  7 PagesBusiness Diversification The corporate strategy of the business diversification is to create a synergy to achieve more performance under a single umbrella rather than diverse business units (SNU, 2016). 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